plakat promocji black day

Black Days at Feliz Beauty Salon

offer description - Black days in feliz

Black Days at Feliz Beauty Salon – Gdynia

ONLY November 24 and 27 take advantage of the extra discount!!

Sign up for a treatment today:

  • November 24 (Friday) for tissue stimulators for PLN 650 (instead of PLN 1,100)

The price includes: cheeks, face contour, neck and cleavage.

More about the tissue stimulators procedure…

  • November 27 (Monday) for Maeselle Pigment precisers chemical peel for PLN 290 (instead of PLN 450)

The price includes the face, neck and cleavage. The treatment reduces discoloration, sebum and smoothes the skin.

More about the maeselle pigment preciser treatment…


Registration at:
+48 535 853 519

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Regulations of the BLACK DAYS promotion at SALON FELIZ

BLACK DAYS regulations

  1. You can take advantage of the promotion only on November 24 and 27.
  2. You cannot purchase discounted treatments and use them on another day.
  3. The offer applies only to tissue stimulators for the face area (cheeks and oval), neck and cleavage performed with Maeselle Nucleolift and chemical peeling for the face, neck and cleavage area performed with Maeselle Pigment Precisers.