
plakat świątecznej promocji plakatu salonu kosmetycznego

The Biggest Christmas Promotion at the Feliz Beauty Salon!

The Biggest Christmas Promotion at the Feliz Beauty Salon!

Start the magic of the holidays now! When you buy a voucher for a minimum of PLN 500, you will receive a second one worth 50% as a special gift from us! This is the perfect gift for you or a loved one, giving you access to all our treatments.

promotion in the feliz beauty salon - Our Christmas Gift

Our Christmas Gift:

  • Available for all treatments in our salon.
  • The voucher is valid until June 30, 2024.
  • You can buy it for yourself or as a gift for a loved one.
manicure w świątecznym wykonaniu

how to take advantage of the promotion?

How to take advantage of the Promotion?

Visit us in person or use the online option by making a transfer to the account: 72 1050 1764 1000 0092 9692 3213.
Then send the transfer confirmation along with the name and surname of the person for whom the voucher is to be prepared to the e-mail address:

📞 Contact and Location: Phone: 535 853 519

Address: st. Stefan Batory 23, 81-365 Gdynia

plakat świątecznej promocji salonu kosmetycznego Feliz

Promotion Rules


  • The promotion applies to the purchase of vouchers with a minimum value of PLN 500.
  • You will receive the second voucher for half the value of the purchased one (e.g. when purchasing for PLN 500, we add PLN 250 for free, when purchasing for PLN 1,000, we add PLN 500 for free, etc.).
  • Vouchers available for purchase until December 23, 2023, valid from December 27, 2023 to June 30, 2024.
  • The voucher can only be used for beauty treatments available at the Feliz Beauty Salon.
  • Offer can not be combined with other promotions.
  • When finalizing services, the full-paid funds are removed from the voucher first, and then the free funds.
  • Services are provided at regular prices from the price list.

We invite you to take advantage of our unique Christmas promotion! Find a moment for yourself or give your loved ones beauty and relaxation at the Feliz Beauty Salon.

News and Events: Stay up to date with our seasonal offers, events and news. Follow our website and social media profiles so you don’t miss any opportunity!

The Biggest Christmas Promotion at the Feliz Beauty Salon! Read More »

plakat promocji black day

Black Days at Feliz Beauty Salon

offer description - Black days in feliz

Black Days at Feliz Beauty Salon – Gdynia

ONLY November 24 and 27 take advantage of the extra discount!!

Sign up for a treatment today:

  • November 24 (Friday) for tissue stimulators for PLN 650 (instead of PLN 1,100)

The price includes: cheeks, face contour, neck and cleavage.

More about the tissue stimulators procedure…

  • November 27 (Monday) for Maeselle Pigment precisers chemical peel for PLN 290 (instead of PLN 450)

The price includes the face, neck and cleavage. The treatment reduces discoloration, sebum and smoothes the skin.

More about the maeselle pigment preciser treatment…


Registration at:
+48 535 853 519

plakat promocji black days2

Regulations of the BLACK DAYS promotion at SALON FELIZ

BLACK DAYS regulations

  1. You can take advantage of the promotion only on November 24 and 27.
  2. You cannot purchase discounted treatments and use them on another day.
  3. The offer applies only to tissue stimulators for the face area (cheeks and oval), neck and cleavage performed with Maeselle Nucleolift and chemical peeling for the face, neck and cleavage area performed with Maeselle Pigment Precisers.

Black Days at Feliz Beauty Salon Read More »

Promotion for laser hair removal packages!

offer description

Don’t wait for 𝘽𝙡𝙖𝙘𝙠 𝙁𝙧𝙞𝙙𝙖𝙮! Take advantage of laser hair removal packages at an attractive price today!

Each set contains 6 treatments:

  • armpits 850,- (instead of 1200,)
  • deep bikini 1300,- (instead of 1860,-)
  • legs 2200,- (instead of 3120,-)
  • beard and mustache 750,- (instead of 1020,-)
  • legs, armpits, deep bikini PLN 3,200 (instead of PLN 6,180)

Why should you choose laser hair removal in our salon?

▪️We work with one of the most effective lasers – Soprano Titanium.

▪️By combining the power of three lasers in one device, we are able to remove not only thick and dark hair, but also thin and light hair.

▪️The In – Motion method allows the hair follicles to receive more laser pulses in a shorter time.

▪️Additionally, the special ICE PLUS™️ cooling system allows for painless treatments and incredible comfort during the visit, as confirmed by our clients.

More about laser hair removal…

Promotion regulations - for laser hair removal

  1. Promotional treatments can be purchased from November 1, 2023
  2. The treatments can be used from November 1, 2023. until June 30, 2024
  3. You can purchase any number of packages.
  4. Offer can not be combined with other promotions.
  5. Purchased treatments cannot be exchanged for other treatments or exchanged for cash.
  6. Treatments are available only at the Feliz beauty salon in Gdynia.

Promotion for laser hair removal packages! Read More »