Learn about our treatments

maeselle pigment precisers

The treatment using a mixture of acids is recommended to be performed during autumn-winter or possibly in spring if there is no excessive sun exposure We recommend Maeselle pigment precisers primarily to thick, dull skin, oily skin with enlarged pores and hormonal and sun-related discolorations.

  • The preparation contains:
  • 10% rezorcynol
  • lactic acid
  • phytic acid
  • citric acid
  • kojic acid
  • retinyl
  • arbutin

How does maeselle pigment precisers work?

We start the procedure by performing cavitation peeling, followed by the application of maeselle pigment precisers, which remains on the skin for 5 – 6 h, and for thick skins and when the cosmetologist decides so, up to 8h. The client washes the preparation at home according to the instructions provided by the cosmetologist.
The skin begins to peel off on the third day. after approx seven days, the skin is brighter, tighter, and discolorations are smaller.

how many maeselle pigment precisers treatments should be performed?

Depending on the cosmetologist’s recommendations, you can perform one treatment or a series of approximately 3 sessions. In order to eliminate hyperpigmentation, we recommend combining the treatment in a series with micro-needle mesotherapy and maeselle pigment precisers solution ampoule.

maeselle pigment precisers effects

  • exfoliation of dead skin
  • improvement of skin tone
  • reduction of sebum
  • narrowing of pores
  • reducing discoloration
  • improving skin condition
  • reducing fine wrinkles

Duration of treatment: approx. 45 minutes

Maeselle pigment precisers - Price list

Maeselle pigment precisers (face)

350 zł

Maeselle pigment precisers (face, neck, cleavage)

450 zł